Leftover Cornflakes to Become Beer
Kelloggs have just released a beer made from rejected cornflake product which would otherwise be treated as waste. Working with Salford based Seven Bro7hers Brewery in the UK, cereals which are too big, too small or overcooked during production will no longer be fed to animals but instead turned into the limited-edition Throw Away IPA which replaces some of the wheat grain used in the brewing process. 10p from the sale of each beer will be donated to food redistribution charity FareShare.
This isn’t the first such brew made from surplus bread. Toast Ale has been brewed in the UK since 2015. Founded by food waste author and campaigner Tristram Stuart who was inspired by Brussels based Babylone who have been brewing beer incorporating surplus bread since 2013. Which Irish brewer or entrepreneur will be first to bring out such a tipple in Ireland?
Find the full article in The Telegraph, published December 5th 2018.